Illustrated products

7 of the Best Creative Products to Illustrate Your Life This Week

Creative products

1. Ceram­ic cac­tus by Kim Sielbeck
2. Dog head brooch by Buried Diamond
3. Graze hoop art by Olan­der Co
4. Ham­sa hand incense burn­er dish by Mud­dy Heart
5. Gold­en brass fin­ger brooch by Monochromatiques
6. Cro­ton one-of-a-kind embroi­dery by Tes­sa Perlow
7. Feet socks by Jean Julien x Stereo

If you’re local to Bal­ti­more and want to pick up some gifts this week­end, check out the MICA Art Mar­ket. It’s one of my favorite hol­i­day events; the Illus­tra­tion Prac­tice booth is chock-full of great cre­ative prod­ucts. (Most of whom are my cur­rent students!)