Illustration / Sculpture

Need a Halloween Costume Idea? Crankbunny to the Rescue!


Hal­loween is right around the cor­ner! So, if you haven’t fig­ured out a cos­tume, now is the time. Maybe you pre­fer to go a min­i­mal­ist route and don only a mask; don’t wor­ry, I’ve got you cov­ered. These illus­trat­ed paper pop-up masks by Crankbun­ny (AKA Nor­ma V. Torayaare per­fect! They come in three designs — a bun­ny, cat, and dev­il — and fea­ture intri­cate details and implied tex­ture. A rib­bon secures the mask to your beau­ti­ful face.

Every­thing is made by Crankbun­ny. Noth­ing is out­sourced and she does all of the design­ing, cut­ting, and assem­bling. The imagery is inspired by the whim­sy found in vin­tage ephemera and mechan­i­cal toys.

There’s a lot more to see in her shop. (Via Lustik)

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