
Bask in the Colorful Glow of Punch Needle Embroidery by ‘The Nuanua’

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Rose­mary is a tex­tile artist work­ing under the name The Nuan­ua. (Nuan­ua is the Samoan word for “rain­bow.”) She cre­ates col­or­ful punch nee­dle embroi­dery art that cel­e­brates col­or and quirky pat­terns. Her fuzzy works fea­ture abstract nature scenes and gen­tle waves of turquoise, laven­der, and sun­ny yel­low. They make me feel hap­py when­ev­er I look at them.

Rose­mary sells her orig­i­nal work online. To see her work in progress and to know when new pieces are on sale, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua

Punch Needle Embroidery by Punch Needle Embroidery by The Nuanua