
Get Your Creative Juices Flowing With This Handy ‘Collage Kit’

Collage Kit Magazine

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Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

You might not con­sid­er your­self a par­tic­u­lar­ly “cre­ative” per­son, but trust me—there’s no wrong way to col­lage. Indie pub­lish­er Free Peri­od Press is out to prove it with the Col­lage Kit. The mag­a­zine fea­tures work from 40 artists that you’ll cut out and arrange to cre­ate your own art­work. The only extra sup­plies you’ll need are scis­sors and a glue stick.

Think of it as a great way to unplug (espe­cial­ly now!) and do some­thing with your hands. You could make them into post­cards or one-of-a-kind prints to give to friends.

Get your Col­lage Kit Vol. 1 on Etsy.

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Pho­to: Hilary Bovay

Collage Kit Magazine

Collage Kit Magazine

Collage Kit Magazine