Collage / Sketchbooks

Cut-Paper Collage Sketchbook Constructs the Charm of Small Towns

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin

Illus­tra­tor Clover Robin is no stranger to Brown Paper Bag. I was first wowed by her last year when I found that she chron­i­cled her trav­els using collage—while on the road! Since then, I’ve been fol­low­ing her work as she fills her sketch­book pages with more cut paper good­ness. Clover writes that she “delights in nature and all things botan­i­cal,” and is “inspired by a child­hood of wood­land walks and coun­try­side ram­bles.” As such, her illus­tra­tions often fea­ture quaint homes and beau­ti­ful blooms that uti­lize a bevy of col­or and tex­ture. Although they’re abstract, Clover arranges the brush strokes, splat­ters, and col­ors to build form. The result is both struc­tured with a sense of spon­tane­ity and freedom—sort of like being outdoors.

To see what Clover is cur­rent­ly cut­ting, be sure to fol­low her on Insta­gram.  She’s one of my favorite sketch­book artists to fol­low.

Clover Robin creates illustrations inspired by “woodland walks and countryside rambles.” They give her sketchbook ideas that lead to charming collages.

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin

Sketchbook ideas from Clover Robin

Sketchbook ideas from Clover Robin

Sketchbook ideas from Clover Robin

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin

Collage sketchbook by Clover Robin