
Pretty Portraits of Zodiac Symbols Will Have You Celebrating Your Sign

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

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Whether you read your horo­scope or not, I think we can all agree that this series of zodi­ac por­traits by Cloudy Thurstag is beau­ti­ful. The lyri­cal lines, sub­tle tex­tures, and eye-pleas­ing col­or palettes con­vey an ethe­re­al qual­i­ty that cap­tures the astro­log­i­cal signs.  I’m the Libra—aka the scales—which is gen­er­al­ly pret­ty bor­ing, imagery wise, but Cloudy has made the por­trait look pret­ty and allur­ing with the addi­tion of some del­i­cate lingerie.

Want a zodi­ac por­trait for your­self? You can now pre­order a high-qual­i­ty print through Cloudy’s Etsy shop.

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag

Zodiac portraits by Cloudy Thurstag