
You’ll Never Guess What Shauna Lynn Panczyszyn has Illustrated

 Shauna Lynn Panczyszyn

Illus­tra­tor Shau­na Lynn Panczyszyn high­lights the things you don’t want to click on… but often do.  Her Click­Bait Project fea­tures the obnox­ious arti­cle titles that are like Sirens, call­ing our on atten­tion until we can’t ignore them any longer. You  know, the ones that make you ask, “who should be my sug­ar dad­dy?” Or, “how did I die in my past life?!” Shau­na hand let­ters the head­lines that are huge time sucks (and total­ly not worth it).

I’m both amused by the con­cept and enjoy her let­ter­ing and illus­tra­tive abil­i­ties. Plus, this project is a great exer­cise in improv­ing her skills. In addi­tion to the illus­tra­tions, Shau­na also links to the arti­cles… if you’re curious…

As Christ­mas rapid­ly approach­es, Shau­na is also illus­trat­ing 12 Pat­terns of Christ­mas, which is a play on the old song 12 Days of Christ­mas.

(Via Quip­solo­gies)

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