
Dreams are On Display in the Ethereal Illustrations of Clemence Monnet

Mermaid illustration art Clemence Monnet

Artist Clemence Mon­net has a way of mak­ing you feel like you’re in anoth­er world. Her col­or­ful and ethe­re­al illus­tra­tions tell tales of mer­maids, jesters, and peo­ple wear­ing masks as they inter­act with one anoth­er in places that feel nei­ther here nor there. Rather, they are in space where the char­ac­ters have their dreams and desires on dis­play and let them play out in a sat­is­fy­ing way. I’m a bit envi­ous. After all, it’s always frus­trat­ing when you have to wake up from a good dream, isn’t it?

See Clemence’s most recent work by fol­low­ing her on Insta­gram.

Dreamlike art by Ethereal illustration by Clemence Monnet

Dreamy illustration by Ethereal illustration by Clemence Monnet

Dreamlike art illustration by Clemence Monnet

Illustration art by Clemence Monnet

Illustration art by Clemence Monnet

Ethereal illustrations by Clemence Monnet

Ethereal illustration by Clemence Monnet

Ethereal illustration by Clemence Monnet

Dreamlike art by Clemence Monnet

Ethereal illustrations by Clemence Monnet

Dreamlike illustration art by Clemence Monnet

Ethereal illustration by Clemence Monnet

Dreamy illustration by Ethereal illustration by Clemence Monnet

Ethereal illustrations by

Dreamlike illustration by Clemence Monnet