Ceramics / Collage

Colorful Clay Characters Arranged Into Charming Motley Crews

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

A cou­ple of weeks ago, I shared the work of Tui­ja Heikki­nen, an artist who cre­ates small cro­chet pieces and arranges them like a col­lage. The results are charm­ing com­po­si­tions that tell sto­ries. Ingela Arrhe­nius is an illus­tra­tor who oper­ates in much the same way. She pro­duces flat­tened clay fig­ures that are paint­ed with acrylics. After they’re dry, she assem­bles them into col­or­ful crowds.

Ingela is inspired by Mid-cen­tu­ry design and infus­es its col­ors and bold shapes into her illus­tra­tion. She does a great job at giv­ing each of her fig­ures a sense of per­son­al­i­ty, from the clothes they wear to their facial hair. See­ing her work in progress makes me want to grab my Sculpey from retire­ment and make my own mot­ley crew. (And you could, too!)

Illustrator Ingela Arrhenius creates colorful clay figures brimming with personality and arranges them into colorful crowds.

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius #clay #illustrationart

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius #clay #illustrationart

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius #clay #illustrationart

Clay figures by Ingela Arrhenius #clay #illustrationart

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