
Take a Walk in Through These Vibrant Floral Embroideries by Claudia González

Embroidery on black fabric by Claudia González

Take a walk with Clau­dia González Gue­vara. Through her col­or­ful embroi­deries, she depicts bare feet among vibrant blooms and fields of fun­gi as well as sub­jects dip­ping their toes into the water.

Clau­di­a’s most strik­ing pieces fea­ture embroi­dery on black fab­ric. The con­trast between that and her bright col­ors are an imme­di­ate stand­out, and they make me yearn for spring days (soon!) when the flow­ers will bloom again.

Fol­low Clau­di­a’s work on her Insta­gram.

Embroidery on black fabric by Claudia González

Embroidery on black fabric by Claudia González

Embroidery on black fabric by Claudia González

Embroidery on black fabric by Claudia González

Embroidery on black fabric by Claudia González

Embroidery art by Claudia González

Embroidery art by Claudia González

Embroidery art by Claudia González