
Classics Tales Unfolded into Beautiful Illustrations

classics unfolded becca stadtlander

If you’re a fan of clas­sic tales like Romeo and Juli­et and Pride and Prej­u­dice, then you’ll swoon at these illus­tra­tions by Yele­na Bryk­senko­va and Bec­ca Stadt­lander. The two (sep­a­rate­ly) paint­ed Clas­sics Unfold­ed for Frances Lin­coln publishers.

Sto­ries are told in a fold-out con­certi­na gift for­mat that fea­tures 16 illus­trat­ed frames. The pub­lish­ers describe it say­ing, “every title in this series is like a visu­al ‘spark notes’: a  learn­ing tool that sim­pli­fies plots into bite-sized pieces, and dou­bles as a beau­ti­ful piece of free­stand­ing art to shelve or frame.”

I love both Yele­na and Bec­ca­’s styles and think they’re per­fect for this project. Plus, they are real-life friends — what a nice coin­ci­dence (or is it?)!

You can now pre­order these titles for release in March.

yelena-2 classics unfolded becca stadtlander yelena-1

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