
These Lush “Plant Lady” Illustrations are Alone Time Done Right

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

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Illus­tra­tor and graph­ic design­er Chloe Joyce paints pic­tures of women who rel­ish their alone time. In a series of inte­ri­or illus­tra­tions, she fills the scenes with plants, pets, and ladies loung­ing in what­ev­er way they like. Some pre­fer to sit top­less on their floor while enjoy­ing a bowl of ramen. Oth­er women soak in the tub lis­ten­ing to music or lay sprawled across their bed read­ing a book. How­ev­er they choose to spend their alone time, it’s clear that there’s no wrong way to do noth­ing at all.

Chloe sells her plant lady illus­tra­tions as cards and prints on Etsy. Be sure to fol­low her on Insta­gram, too.

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Plant lady illustration by Chloe Joyce

Interior illustration by Chloe Joyce

Interior illustration by Chloe Joyce

Interior illustration by Chloe Joyce

Interior illustration by Chloe Joyce

Interior illustration by Chloe Joyce

Interior illustration by Chloe Joyce