
Embroidered Costume Wearers Welcome You to the “Garden Party”

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

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Dis­guis­es are at the heart of embroi­dery art by Amy Jones, aka Cheese Before Bed­time. Her metic­u­lous stitched hoops are of peo­ple wear­ing ani­mal masks, tails, and but­ter­fly wings. Pre­vi­ous­ly, I shared her embroi­deries fea­tur­ing por­traits of folks wear­ing dis­guis­es on their face. Amy’s lat­est series expands on this idea. Called Gar­den Par­ty, it was inspired by her chil­dren want­i­ng “some­thing a bit spe­cial” for their rooms. The imagery revolves around chil­dren who, in typ­i­cal kid fash­ion, are total­ly rock­ing fan­tas­ti­cal ensem­bles adults (like me) could nev­er pull off.

The Gar­den Par­ty hoops can be bought indi­vid­u­al­ly; but since it’s a cel­e­bra­tion and all, they real­ly deserve to appear togeth­er. You can get the entire gang in the Cheese Before Bed­time Etsy shop. Fol­low Amy on Insta­gram to see what embroi­dery art she’s stitch­ing up next.

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime

Embroidery art by Cheese Before Bedtime