
Charlotte Smith’s Delightful Paper-Sculpted Pastries

charlotte smith

I’ve always had a sweet tooth, and my desire for sug­ar has­n’t fad­ed as I’ve aged (will it ever?). So, when I saw designer/illustrator Char­lotte Smith’s paper sculp­tures that fea­tured deli­cious-look­ing cakes, pop­si­cles, and oth­er good­ies, I was excited.

The angu­lar objects adorn food and bev­er­ages with delight­ful details. She gar­nish­es tea with sliced lemons and even includes fes­tive-look­ing straws in her milk. Would­n’t you order these if they were served in a cafe? I know I would. papercup icecream papermugmacaron ice2 apple