
Highly Tactile Bead Embroideries Create Beautiful Baubles on Fabric

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Although thread is per­haps the most pop­u­lar of all embroi­dery sup­plies, floss is not a require­ment for some­thing to be clas­si­fied as the craft. Bead­ing is anoth­er mate­r­i­al that you can use, and if you’re look­ing for inspi­ra­tion of how daz­zling it can be, look no fur­ther than work by Celia Jayi. She cre­ates por­traits and abstract designs using only beads, and the results are awe-inspiring.

The high­ly tac­tile pieces fea­ture a vari­ety of col­ors and bead­ing sizes so that some areas stand out as baubles while oth­ers pro­vide more sol­id fields of col­or. Over­all, her work is stylized—even when it is figurative—and is a medi­a­tion on the mate­r­i­al and process of bead­ing on fabric.

Bead­ing for me is not just a past time but some­thing I have grown to under­stand, learn, and exper­i­ment with,” she told DMC Embroi­dery. “It keeps me calm in this chaot­ic world.”

Want to try bead­ing for your­self? Celia sells all-inclu­sive kits in her online shop. To see what she’s up to next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi

Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi


Bead embroidery by Celia Jayi