
Visually Satisfying Painted Illustrations are Cloaked in Golden Hour Glows

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Born in Port­land and now liv­ing in LA, illus­tra­tor Celia Jacobs employs a lim­it­ed col­or palette and a painter­ly touch to her por­trait-dri­ven work. Reds, pinks, greens, and yel­lows are the defin­ing hues of her illus­tra­tion art, and they cloak her world in a per­ma­nent gold­en hour glow.

Her for­mal choic­es are keep­ing in line with her over­all artis­tic phi­los­o­phy. “My aes­thet­ic is pret­ty col­or­ful, soft and a lit­tle hard, sweet and a lit­tle weird,” she explained to Ball Pit Mag. “I like every­thing to look pur­pose­ful, but like [I] hand made it pur­pose­ful­ly, so it got a lit­tle messed up on the way. I hope to make real­ly ordi­nary stuff with just a lit­tle more mag­ic on top.”

Celia sells her work as prints and on tote bags in her Tic­tail shop.

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs

Illustration art by Celia Jacobs