
Meticulously-Arranged Artworks Reveal Adventurous Little Worlds

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet

Artist Celan Bouil­let cre­ates “lit­tle worlds full of ani­mals, green­ery, and adven­ture.” The col­or­ful, high­ly-detailed pieces fea­ture places that are every­where and nowhere. Sloths, giraffes, trop­i­cal leaves, and peacocks—all paint­ed at the same scale—occupy the same com­po­si­tion. They are, how­ev­er, so care­ful­ly arranged while togeth­er, they nev­er ful­ly inter­act. This is Celan’s design. “These mixed media pieces are high­ly detailed and manip­u­late scale along with pat­tern to cre­ate com­plex nar­ra­tives,” she writes.

To pro­duce these pieces is an exer­cise in metic­u­lous­ness. Every branch, rock, and ani­mal is paint­ed gouache on paper which is then cut out and placed on a back­ground. Celan’s com­po­si­tions are so seam­less that at times, it’s hard to tell—but her in-progress works on Insta­gram show­case her beau­ti­ful process.

Celan sells her work as large lim­it­ed edi­tion in her Etsy shop, The Bay­ou Botanist.

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet

Here’s Celan’s work in progress. So. Much. Cutting. 

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet

Little worlds by Celan Bouillet