
Stylist Painted Portraits Are Enhanced With Perfectly Placed Embroidery Stitches

Contemporary embroidery by Cel Castellá

Paint and embroi­dery can cre­ate beau­ti­ful things togeth­er. As illus­tra­tor Cel Castel­lá demon­strates, the paint adds anoth­er dimen­sion to the work that can be chal­leng­ing to achieve by stitch­ing alone.

To begin, Cel applies pig­ment in thin, even lay­ers on the can­vas. Once dry, she uses stitch­ing like you would a pen to show­case fine details like pat­terns on a shirt or fur on a kitty.

Fol­low Cel on Insta­gram to see what she’s up to next. She’s now tak­ing commissions—just send her a DM!

Contemporary embroidery by Cel Castellá

Contemporary embroidery by Cel Castellá

Contemporary embroidery by Cel Castellá

Hoop art by Cel Castellá

Contemporary embroidery by Cel Castellá

Hoop art by Cel Castellá

Hoop art by Cel Castellá

Hoop art by Cel Castellá

Hoop art by Cel Castellá

Hoop art by Cel Castellá

Hoop art by Cel Castellá

Contemporary embroidery by Cel Castellá