1. Little Bird Mobile by Jenny Meilihove 2. Kettle Enamel Pin by Phoebe Wahl 3. Orang Utan Reusable Shopping Bag by Liunic On Things 4. Silk Scarf by Estée Preda x Noemiah 5. Hand Ring Dish by Spice Wildflower 6.…
1. Little Bird Mobile by Jenny Meilihove 2. Kettle Enamel Pin by Phoebe Wahl 3. Orang Utan Reusable Shopping Bag by Liunic On Things 4. Silk Scarf by Estée Preda x Noemiah 5. Hand Ring Dish by Spice Wildflower 6.…
What makes more a statement than a Bengal tiger on your finger? Jewelry shop GOODAFTERNINE reckons that not much. Owners Tidarin Srisook and Don Thongpool have created a menagerie of creatures from painted enamel rings. Modeled after cats—big and small—as well…
1. Ceramic Dog Candle Holder by Sava Keramika 2. Tiger Style Decorative Pillow by Tiger Sheep Friends 3. Fern Cloth Napkins by Bonnie Kaye Studio 4. Always Making Things Enamel Pin by Worthwhile Paper 5. White Flower Brass Ring by Breadcrumbs Crafts 6. Tree…
Looking for some embroidered flair to add to your everyday wear? Putri Setyarini, aka Cub Club, creates hand-stitched brooches of plants, cats, fast food, and more. Each piece is colorful with a painterly feel—the visible stitches recall an Impressionist painting.
1. Full of Grace Lapel Pin by Stay Home Club 2. Ceramic Tiger Earrings by Esther Sandler 3. Elephant Ear Paper Plant by Seltzer 4. Porcelain Teacup Set by 47pots 5. Racoon Planter by Hesukinae Studio 6. Dog Pile by Eleonor Bostrom…
1. Wool Seal by Woool Forest 2. Mr. B The Sea Green Bear Sticker Patch by Minifanfan 3. Extra Hands Tea Towel by Confetti Riot Shop 4. Porcelain Valentine Heart Pouch by Pretzel Pretzel 5. Punch Needle Beginner Kit by Wholepunching 6. Geranium…
1. Bird Tamer Tumbler Glasses by Polly Fern 2. Stitchy Friday’s Floral Embroidery Kit by Marijke Buurlage 3. King Protea Flower Shirt by Vyshyto 4. Oh My Llama Amigurumi Pattern by Irene Strange (instant download) 5. Love Cat Card by The Printed Peanut 6. Cat Scoop Cup by Gail Cockatoo-Collins…
I don’t know about where you live, but it is cold in Minneapolis. As I write this, it is ‑9° Fahrenheit with a windchill of ‑28°! Winter gear might be essential for you, but that just gives you more opportunities to…
1. Evil Eye Pin by Little Ray of Sunflower 2. Orange Tabby 3‑Legged Cat Planter by Beardbangs 3. Running Through The Garden Embroidery Pattern by Baobap (Instant download) 4. Girl Bud Vase by Rami Kim 5. Mi Casa Es Su Casa Printed Tea Towel…
I’m a big fan of unique throw pillows. I have a cat-shaped one on my couch and a giant eye pillow lives in my studio. So when I saw the unique throw pillows by Maria Tilyard, I swooned. The unconventional…