
Free-Standing Plush Animals are Dressed as the Quirky People You Pass on the Street

Stuffed animals by Cat Rabbit

I want to live in a world made by Cat Rab­bit. For many years, the Mel­bourne-based tex­tile artist has cre­at­ed a cast dap­per ani­mals who don all the trap­pings of humans. Her most recent pieces fea­ture koalas, sheep, and frogs that are dressed to the nines in col­or­ful jump­suits and news­boy caps as they car­ry bags of gro­ceries and fan­ny packs around their waists.

If this sounds cute, it is—Cat Rab­bit’s work down­right adorable—and a mar­vel of craft. The plush fig­ures fea­ture incred­i­ble details and are engi­neered to stand on their own. It’s no won­der that her orig­i­nal works sell out so quick­ly! Make sure you fol­low her on Insta­gram to see when her next series is going to drop.

In addi­tion to her soft sculp­tures, you can get made-to-order brooches, enam­el pins, prints, and more in her online shop.

Stuffed animals by Cat Rabbit

Stuffed animals by Cat Rabbit

Stuffed animals by Cat Rabbit

Textile art by Cat Rabbit Plush

Textile art by Cat Rabbit Plush

Textile art by Cat Rabbit Plush

Textile art by Cat Rabbit Plush

Plush figures by Cat Rabbit Plush

Plush figures by Cat Rabbit Plush

Plush figures by Cat Rabbit Plush

Plush figures by Cat Rabbit Plush

Plush figures by Cat Rabbit Plush