
Adorably Fuzzy Llamas & Librarians by Cat Rabbit Plush

cat rabbitIf you are a reg­u­lar read­er of this blog, then you’re prob­a­bly already famil­iar with the work of Cat Rab­bit. I’ve fea­tured a cou­ple of her plush­es before, but I real­ize I’ve nev­er ded­i­cat­ed an entire post to them!

I trea­sured my stuff ani­mals as a kid. Even now, some­where in a stor­age unit in south­ern Utah, they are tucked away in plas­tic bins (wait­ing for me?). As an adult, I love look­ing at plush char­ac­ters, espe­cial­ly ones with per­son­al­i­ty like these. The Mel­bourne-based tex­tile artist designs and hand­crafts each fig­ure, and they have wire in their limbs for posing.

Cat Rab­bit has a pop­u­lar shop on Etsy. But, if you’re look­ing to order one of her adorable cre­ations, you’ll have to wait. She’s tak­ing a break for the hol­i­days and will be back on Jan­u­ary 3!

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