
Upcycled Clothing Gains a New Life with the Help of Cats (Like Yours!)

Embroidered collars with cats on them

I’ve been a busy stitch­er this sum­mer and am hav­ing fun embroi­der­ing Cat Col­lars: one of a kind kit­ties stitched on cham­bray shirts. I’m hap­py to share that I’ve list­ed a few ready-to-wear designs in my Etsy shop. I’ve also cre­at­ed five oppor­tu­ni­ties for cus­tom list­ings. So, if you have a cat (or cats) you’d like to cel­e­brate, now’s your chance to get them stitched on a shirt of your choice!

Ready-to-wear embroidered cat shirts

The lat­est ready-to-wear pieces are a men’s medi­um short sleeve shirt (per­fect for sum­mer), a wom­en’s small popover, and a wom­en’s extra large long-sleeve but­ton down. Every gar­ment has been upcy­cled. Don’t see your size? (Make sure you check the mea­sure­ments on each list­ing!) No worries—this past week­end I went and bought many more shirts that I’ll embroi­der and release over the com­ing months.

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Wom­en’s size extra large

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Wom­en’s size small

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Men’s size medium

Get a custom embroidered shirt of your favorite felines

The cus­tom option is great if you have a beloved feline (or felines) and you have a shirt that you’d like stitched. With a cus­tom Cat Col­lar, you are respon­si­ble for ship­ping a shirt to me. We will work togeth­er and I’ll cre­ate a sketch of how the kit­ties will look on your gar­ment. You’ll be able to offer tweaks to the design and ulti­mate­ly approve it until any stitch is made. Once I receive the shirt, please allow 3 — 5 weeks for your shirt to be cus­tomized and sent back to you. Ship­ping the shirt back to you is free.

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Sketch for a cus­tom Cat Collar

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Com­plet­ed cus­tom Cat Collar

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Com­plet­ed cus­tom Cat Collar

Check out my Etsy shop to pick up one of the shirts or order a cus­tom design! If nei­ther is avail­able, that means they’re sold out. Fol­low my Insta­gram, @brwnpaperbag_stitch, for announce­ments of when new shirts are for sale and new cus­tom orders are available.

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Embroidered collars with cats on them

Embroidered collars with cats on them