
Sometimes, You Just Wanna Look at Beautiful Flowers…

Carrie Schmitt
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: some­times, you just wan­na look at beau­ti­ful flow­ers. Artist Car­rie Schmitt cre­ates vibrant com­po­si­tions of blooms in a cou­ple of visu­al­ly-strik­ing styles. Some of her paint­ings fea­ture thick sculp­tur­al strokes, while oth­ers uti­lize expres­sive lines and hap­haz­ard drips. Both are lovely.

Car­rie’s career in the arts came lat­er in life.  In 2009, she devel­oped a life-threat­en­ing aller­gy to heat and could­n’t leave her home for months. She turned lemons into lemon­ade, how­ev­er, and used the time indoors to pur­sue her dream of becom­ing a painter. Car­rie explains, “Cre­at­ing became my ther­a­py and escape as I strug­gled with being homebound.”

Car­rie’s work—originals and prints—are avail­able in her Etsy shop.

Carrie Schmitt

Carrie Schmitt

Carrie Schmitt

Carrie Schmitt

Carrie Schmitt

Carrie Schmitt

Carrie Schmitt

Carrie Schmitt
