Ceramics / Embroidery

These Porcelain Ceramics Are Made Whole With a Needle and Thread

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Ceram­ics and embroi­dery might seem like an unlike­ly com­bi­na­tion, but not for Car­o­line Har­rius. She forms dec­o­ra­tive vas­es, plates, and oth­er pieces from clay, also pok­ing tiny holes on the sur­face of each piece. These holes are the basis for stitch­ing after the piece is fired and done. Car­o­line uses thread to adorn each cre­ation with embroi­dered flo­ral motifs.

Based in Stock­holm, Car­o­line’s prac­tice looks to the his­to­ry of women and crafts in order to inform her work and also be the basis for encour­ag­ing soci­etal change. “In my prac­tice as an artisan/ceramicist, I have often been inter­est­ed in crafts tra­di­tion­al­ly linked to wom­en’s mak­ing, and how we val­ue it in today’s high-tech soci­ety,” she writes on her web­site.

I have exam­ined my own prej­u­dices about art, and dis­cov­ered that the more a tra­di­tion or tech­nol­o­gy is linked to wom­en’s his­to­ry, home and dec­o­ra­tion, the low­er I have val­ued it. By com­bin­ing flo­ral dec­o­ra­tive porce­lain and embroi­dery, I make an attempt to high­light this cul­tur­al her­itage and make it vis­i­ble to a new audi­ence. I want to try to re-eval­u­ate the tra­di­tions asso­ci­at­ed with wom­en’s doing that I have most­ly seen as dec­o­ra­tion, both for myself and for others.”

Fol­low Car­o­line on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Caroline Harrius creates ceramics and adorns them using a needle and thread.

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius