
Caroline Harrius’ Ceramic Vases Are Only Complete With Embroidery

Embroidery on ceramic vase by Caroline Harrius

Blue Mem­o­ries

Ceram­i­cist Car­o­line Har­rius crafts ves­sels that mar­ry two seem­ing­ly dis­parate mate­ri­als: thread and clay. Each piece uti­lizes poked holes in the clay that are lat­er con­nect­ed like dots via thread. 

Car­o­line’s newest piece titled Blue Mem­o­ries con­tin­ues this tech­nique but turns it up a notch. Dur­ing a three-month res­i­den­cy in a porce­lain fac­to­ry in Pors­grund, Nor­way, Car­o­line want­ed to test the lim­its of what’s pos­si­ble with non-plas­tic indus­tri­al porce­lain clay. She want­ed to see how “large and frag­ile” she could work with­out the piece col­laps­ing. The result is a large flo­ral motif stitched in blue inspired by the artist Geor­gia O’Keeffe.

One glance at Car­o­line’s work and you under­stand the ten­sion that comes from the materials—and that’s part of the point. “The meet­ing between tex­tile and ceram­ics is irra­tional and full of resis­tance,” Car­o­line writes. “I embroi­der on porce­lain with cot­ton thread in an attempt to recon­tex­tu­al­ize the crafts.” She con­tin­ues, “By com­bin­ing tex­tile tra­di­tions with dec­o­ra­tive porce­lain with my con­tem­po­rary ceram­ics, I want to make an attempt to high­light all the pre­cious and impres­sive craft objects that are often left behind with­in the walls of the domes­tic space, con­tin­u­ing to chal­lenge the hier­ar­chies in the field and make tra­di­tion­al female craft visible.”

Learn more about Car­o­line on her web­site. To see what she’s up to next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Ceramicist Caroline Harrius crafts vessels that marry two seemingly disparate materials: thread and clay.

Embroidery on ceramic vase by Caroline Harrius

Blue Mem­o­ries (detail)

Embroidery on ceramic vase by Caroline Harrius

Blue Mem­o­ries (detail)

Embroidery on ceramic vase by Caroline Harrius

Each piece utilizes poked holes in the clay that are later connected like dots via thread.

Embroidery on ceramic vase by Caroline Harrius Embroidery on ceramic vase by Caroline Harrius