
Painted Ladies are Stylishly Camouflaged with Their Nature-Filled Surroundings

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Illus­tra­tor Carine Arnakis crafts paint­ed por­traits of women that show­case their own sort of cam­ou­flage. The illus­tra­tions fea­ture ladies as they do every­day activ­i­ties like chat­ting on the phone and tend­ing to their plants. They are clad in cloth­ing that is ripe with pat­terns and often mim­ic ele­ments in the back­ground and blurs the line between fore­ground and back­ground. And when the women do stand out, they offer a col­or­ful con­trast that com­ple­ments the rest of their environment.

Carine is reg­u­lar­ly post­ing her work in progress on Insta­gram.

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Illustrated ladies by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Illustrated ladies by Carine Arnakis

Illustrated ladies by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis

Painted portraits of women by Carine Arnakis