
Inspiring “Rules” for Students and Teachers are Visualized in Colorful Illustrations by Caitlin Keegan

"Some Rules for Students and Teachers" print

Cori­ta Kent was an artist and edu­ca­tor as well as an advo­cate for social jus­tice dur­ing the 20th cen­tu­ry. Dur­ing her career, she taught in, and even­tu­al­ly head­ed, the art depart­ment at Immac­u­late Heart Col­lege in Los Ange­les. It was there that she wrote “Some Rules for Stu­dents and Teach­ers,” which includes 10 guide­lines for those in the art depart­ment. The list became the depart­men­t’s offi­cial rules.

Illus­tra­tor Caitlin Kee­gan illu­mi­nates the 10 rules through dig­i­tal draw­ing and hand let­ter­ing. Her pieces visu­al­ize the guide­lines while weav­ing Cori­ta’s inspi­ra­tional words with­in the imagery. They are warm—utilizing a col­or palette of pinks, oranges, pur­ples, and blues—which gives them a retro-inspired vibe that recalls the time peri­od they were writ­ten, 1967 to 1968.

Caitlin sells the indi­vid­ual rules as prints through INPRNT.

Inspiring illustration by Caitlin Keegan

Inspiring illustration by Caitlin Keegan

"Some Rules for Students and Teachers" print

Inspiring illustration by Caitlin Keegan

"Some Rules for Students and Teachers" illustration by Caitlin Keegan

"Some Rules for Students and Teachers" illustration by Caitlin Keegan

"Some Rules for Students and Teachers" illustrated by Caitlin Keegan

"Some Rules for Students and Teachers" illustrated by Caitlin Keegan

"Some Rules for Students and Teachers" illustrated by Caitlin Keegan