Embroidery / How To

Behind the Scenes: Crafting a Felt Cat Banner (Ready to Hang!)

If you step inside of my apart­ment, you’ll imme­di­ate­ly see that it’s a house ruled by cats. There are scratch­ing posts for them to lounge on and toys in near­ly every room. I’ve also splurged on a fan­cy food dish that’s set against some emp­ty wall space…until now. To take my cat-lady sta­tus up a notch, I cre­at­ed a hang­ing ban­ner that immor­tal­izes Pauline, my cal­i­co that’s the emboid­ment of the Sour Patch Kids candy.

Like my cut paper self por­trait, I made a video that offers a behind-the-scenes look at how 2D Pauline came to life. Near­ly every­thing was done using felt—a first for me, but some­thing I’m def­i­nite­ly going to repeat. It was fun!

Here’s the tools I used:

I start­ed cut the shape of the ban­ner first and then sewed the cas­ing for the dow rod. Then, I dove into my felt por­trait using a sketch as a guide. Although it’s not shown on the video, I cut out shapes from my ini­tial draw­ing and used them as a pat­tern, trac­ing around them with the ink pen onto the felt.

If you have any ques­tions about this project, let me know! I’m hap­py to answer them. And, if you want one of these for your­self (or as a gift), I’m cur­rent­ly tak­ing com­mis­sions. In fact, I’m work­ing on one right now!
