
Sketchbook Paintings That Come Alive Before Your Eyes

Last week, we took a peek into the shape-shift­ing sketch­book of Eva Mag­ill-Oliv­er. Artist Bryce Wymer, aka A Flat Earth, is anoth­er cre­ative who for him, a sketch­book is a portable gallery to show­case his beau­ti­ful and mys­te­ri­ous paint­ings. And if that’s not enough, Bryce has cre­at­ed a series of short time-lapse videos that demon­strate his process.

The videos are a com­bi­na­tion of show-and-tell and paint­ing in progress. Bryce will often start out by flip­ping through some com­plet­ed (or near­ly com­plet­ed) spreads, and then he’ll com­plete an illus­tra­tion right before our eyes.

Check out some of Bryce’s videos, as well as his sta­t­ic spreads. (h/t Less Talk More Illustration)

Bryce’s (static) spreads are playful with their technique.

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer

Sketchbook of Bryce Wymer