Brown Paper Stitch

3 Embroideries From My Studio This Week [Brown Paper Stitch Dispatch]

Personalized pet embroidery

This article is brought to you by Brown Paper Stitch, my business that makes your wardrobe pawesome by embroidering your pets on clothing.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared any updates on my busi­ness, Brown Paper Stitch. If you’re not famil­iar with what I do, I stitch cus­tom por­traits of your pets on cloth­ing. (I’ve also devel­oped a DIY pat­tern!)

I’ve been busy with pet embroideries—especially as the hol­i­days are fast approach­ing. If you know a pet par­ent who would love their cat, dog, bun­ny, rep­tile (you get the pic­ture), now is the time to start a por­trait! With my cur­rent work­load, it takes between two and four weeks for me to sketch, stitch, and send a shirt. I’ll stop tak­ing com­mis­sions as the hol­i­days grow near­er. (Prob­a­bly late Novem­ber or ear­ly December.)

Custom Shirt for Actor Debby Ryan

Personalized pet portrait on shirt

I love stitch­ing all sorts of ani­mals, but when I can embroi­der a dog and cat on a shirt, I do a lit­tle hap­py dance. (It’s rare.) Actor and author Arden Myrin com­mis­sioned a shirt for her friend, actor Deb­by Ryan, that had Deb­by’s Gold­en Retriev­er named Jim and her cat named Vel­ma on it. A few of the ref­er­ence pho­tos includ­ed Jim’s tongue, and I knew I just had to include it!

Pocket Kitty and Pocket Kitty Pattern

Personalized pet embroidery

Last month, I fin­ished stitch­ing a “Pock­et Kit­ty” onto my Cat Lady shirt. It was a ton of fun to embroi­der in this for­mat, and it makes a great addi­tion to any piece of cloth­ing. The Pock­et Pet is now an option for cus­tom embroi­dery in my shop. This is an excel­lent option if you’re look­ing for a larg­er por­trait that includes part of the pet’s body.

Stitching a cat above a shirt pocket

I’m now cre­at­ing a Pock­et Kit­ty pat­tern that hope­ful­ly, soon­ish, will be avail­able for down­load. I’m cre­at­ing a tuxe­do cat col­or, but you could cus­tomize it to look like your own favorite feline.

That’s it for now! Did you know that I send out an embroi­dery-focused newslet­ter every Fri­day? Sub­scribe now to get it in your inbox. It fea­tures links and embroi­dery pat­terns I’m lov­ing from around the web.