Brown Paper Stitch

3 Good Dogs (and an Ornery Cat) I’ve Stitched This Week [Brown Paper Stitch Dispatch]

Pet Portraits by Brown Paper Stitch

This article is brought to you by Brown Paper Stitch, my business that makes your wardrobe pawesome by embroidering your pets on clothing.

Over the past cou­ple of weeks, I haven’t had a lot to show in my stu­dio. But that does­n’t mean I haven’t been work­ing! I have many pet por­trait patch­es and shirts that are on deck, so I’ve been cre­at­ing the sketch­es for all those projects.

I typ­i­cal­ly don’t share those sketch­es unless it’s via a reel or pic­tured with the embroi­dery itself. While impor­tant, sketch­es aren’t as excit­ing as see­ing the stitch­es, and it’s also a way to pro­tect my intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty; I’ve had folks trace over my cus­tom sketch­es and recre­ate the embroi­deries for themselves (!).

Scroll down to see what I’ve been stitch­ing in my stu­dio late­ly. To see what I’m doing in real-time, fol­low me on Insta­gram!


Sweater Pup on a Sweater

Custom pet portrait on sweater by Brown Paper Stitch

I sound like a bro­ken record, but one big rea­son I love to take on cus­tom work is that your ideas help to push my embroi­dery in new direc­tions. This can be seen in one of my lat­est com­plet­ed projects, Coop­er the pup. When the client sent me a sweater, I was a bit befud­dled about how I am going to stitch Coop­er’s por­trait onto it. After all, the col­lar was­n’t like the typ­i­cal col­lared shirt. After going back and forth with sketch­es and place­ment, the client and I land­ed on putting the dog on the chest with his name nearby.

Custom pet portrait on sweater by Brown Paper Stitch

Embroi­der­ing on a knit is noth­ing like the cham­bray that I usu­al­ly work on. This par­tic­u­lar sweater was also pret­ty loose and direct­ly stitch­ing on it—with all the details I like to include—just was­n’t an option. So, I decid­ed to first embroi­der Coop­er on felt and then once done, adhered him to the gar­ment with a sta­bi­liz­er. I then stitched around his edges to fur­ther secure the embroidery.

Custom pet portrait on sweater by Brown Paper Stitch

The name was done com­plete­ly free­hand on the col­lar, which lent itself to direct stitch­ing since the knit was tighter and chunkier.

All in all, I’m real­ly pleased with how the sweater turned out!


Pup Patches in the Works

Stitching custom pet portrait patches by Brown Paper Stitch

I’m now stitch­ing a trio of pup patch­es. I have a client who ordered three patch­es of the same dog and so I’m stitch­ing him in three dif­fer­ent ways. It’s a great excuse to bust out my 10-inch hoop (that I’ve nev­er used before) and embroi­der all of the patch­es there.


1 Year of Stitches: January is Done!

1 Year of Stitches, daily embroidery project

Jan­u­ary 31

I start­ed my 1 Year of Stitch­es projects off with a detailed por­trait of my par­en­t’s late Gold­en Retriev­er, Mad­die. (Refresh­er: I am stitch­ing a dif­fer­ent ani­mal por­trait each month for a year. I’m call­ing it my #crea­ture­coat.) Dur­ing the first week of Jan­u­ary, I had a lot of time to stitch Mad­die. This proved cru­cial, as the design was com­plex and I was able to make a lot of progress. As the month went on, I had less time and end­ed up fin­ish­ing Mad­die on the evening of the 31st.

1 Year of Stitches, daily embroidery project

Feb­ru­ary 2

Now, I’m on to my Feb­ru­ary por­trait: my beloved Pauline. She’s not quite as detailed as Mad­die was (here’s a peek at the sketch), which is prob­a­bly a good thing—especially with Feb­ru­ary being a short month!

You can start 1 Year of Stitch­es any time of the year! Check out the details and sign up for my mail­ing list about the project below.

Want to start your own 1 Year of Stitches project? Sign up below for emails helping you get started.