Brown Paper Stitch

3 Fascinating Things I Watched + Listened To While Stitching This Week [Brown Paper Stitch Dispatch]

Custom pet embroidery by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch

This article is brought to you by Brown Paper Stitch, my business that makes your wardrobe pawesome by embroidering your pets on clothing.

I’m in full stitch mode over here. This past week saw lit­tle sketch­ing and a lot of cus­tom pet por­trait embroi­dery. I have sev­er­al shirts in my pos­ses­sion. And while all of the gar­ments and patch­es in my stu­dio are in some stage of work, I was able to com­plete (and send) a set of kit­ties on a flan­nel shirt. It was my first embroi­dery on a buf­fa­lo plaid shirt, and my sec­ond on flan­nel. A lizard named Midge was first.

I find it hard to just sit there in silence and work (as I’m sure many of you do). So I am con­stant­ly on the hunt for what to watch and lis­ten to. Some weeks are more suc­cess­ful than oth­ers. And this week turned out to be pret­ty great. If you’re in the same boat as me, here are some of my recommendations.

(Some of) what I watched and lis­tened to while I stitched:

Class Action Park, HBO Max: This short doc­u­men­tary film (it’s about an hour and a half) is about an amusement/water park in New Jer­sey that exist­ed from 1978 to 1996. It was run by a bonkers guy who had ideas for all these crazy rides that weren’t safe—to say the least. The movie has a Tiger King vibe with an eccen­tric guy in charge of the park.

The Vow, HBO Max: I remem­ber when Alli­son Mack was arrest­ed on sex traf­fick­ing charges for the cult NXIVM. (I think that was 2018?) This is a doc­u­men­tary series about the orga­ni­za­tion and wow! It is shock­ing, sad, and very good.

Tom Brown’s Body, pod­cast: I am end­less­ly fas­ci­nat­ed by peo­ple that just go miss­ing, nev­er to be seen from again. Pro­duced by Texas Month­ly, Tom Brown’s Body is the sto­ry of the mys­te­ri­ous death of a boy named Tom Brown who dis­ap­peared one night in Cana­di­an, Texas. There are three episodes avail­able now. (New ones are released on Tuesdays.)

Custom pet embroidery by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch

Custom pet embroidery by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch