
Dreamy Portraits Created with a Beautiful Bounty of Textures

Brooklyn Dolly

Erin Robin­son, bet­ter known as Brook­lyn Dol­ly, cre­ates gor­geous por­traits in a smat­ter­ing of medi­ums. Look close­ly at her dreamy imagery and you’ll find water­col­or, ink, char­coal, sten­cil­ing, col­lage, as well as dig­i­tal work. Togeth­er, their lay­ers are visu­al­ly rich and cel­e­brate Erin’s subjects—the “fem­i­nine shape and the many shades and coifs of Brooklyn.”

Erin sells her work through the Brook­lyn Dol­ly Etsy shop.

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait

Brooklyn Dolly portrait