
Want to Try Punch Needle Embroidery? This Book is a Beginner’s Dream

Punch Needle Embroidery Book

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Hav­ing gone through art school, there were a lot of media and tech­niques I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to try. But punch nee­dle embroi­dery? It was­n’t one of them. And to be hon­est, it’s a bit daunting—where do I start? What sup­plies do I need? What will I make? Aroun­na Khoun­no­raj, aka Bookhou, breaks it all down in her new book, Punch Nee­dle: Mas­ter the Art of Punch Needling Acces­sories for You and Your Home. So, if you’re like me and would like to try your hand at punch nee­dle, this is a fan­tas­tic resource!

Through beau­ti­ful pho­tog­ra­phy, Aroun­na begins her book by get­ting down to basics. She high­lights the sup­plies you’ll need to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete her projects, from the type of punch nee­dles to use to the fab­rics you’ll want to select. Aroun­na goes into detail about pick­ing sup­plies that com­ple­ment one anoth­er; for instance, you won’t want to choose a fab­ric that’s too loose weave for your punch nee­dle. In learn­ing the why behind these types of deci­sions, you can use the knowl­edge after Aroun­na’s projects are done.

Beyond select­ing yarn, thread­ing your nee­dle, and trans­fer­ring pat­terns, the step-by-step instruc­tions demon­strate how to stretch a frame of fab­ric and then the most impor­tant part—using the punch nee­dle. (The best way? Hold it like a pencil!)

There are 20 punch nee­dle projects to com­plete in this book. They are meant to be worn or dis­played in your home, and the objects run the gamut from brooches to cush­ions to blan­kets to a rug. “While some projects may seem com­plex,” Aroun­na writes, “the fact is they real­ly aren’t, since most projects only have two components—first the punch­ing and then the mak­ing.” Each project includes a draw­ing and detailed instruc­tions on how to com­plete both of those com­po­nents. You just need the sup­plies and patience and you’ll be well on your way to a fun new craft!

Punch Nee­dle: Mas­ter the Art of Punch Needling Acces­sories for You and Your Home is now avail­able to pur­chase. Buy it and have fun!

Punch Needle Embroidery Book

Punch Needle Book by Bookhou

Punch Needle Embroidery Book

Punch Needle Book by Bookhou

Punch Needle Book by Bookhou

Punch Needle Book by Bookhou

Punch Needle Book by Bookhou

Punch Needle Embroidery Book

Punch Needle Embroidery Book

Punch Needle Embroidery Book