
These Floral Typographic Illustrations Look Digital, But They’re All Analog

Bons Fluidos Magazine

I’m not shy about my love of flo­rals. Typ­i­cal­ly, they’re shown here as drawn or embroi­dered, but these spreads for Bons Flu­i­dos Mag­a­zine are beau­ti­ful and spe­cial… so of course I want­ed to share!

To pro­duce the project, a team of cre­atives—Fer­nan­da Didi­ni, Rodol­fo França, Mari­na Chac­cur,  Alex Sil­va, and Andréa Silva—hand-assembled col­or­ful bou­quets and then stuck cut paper let­ter­ing among them. Then, they were pho­tographed straight-on to cre­ate a flat­tened, knock­out effect.

When I think of typog­ra­phy pieces like these, I just assume they’re pro­duced digitally—like so many things these days—but it’s nice to see that an ana­log approach was tak­en. They appear pol­ished but con­tain cer­tain nuances that could’ve only been done by hand.

Bons Fluidos Magazine

Bons Fluidos Magazine

Bons Fluidos Magazine

Bons Fluidos Magazine

Bons Fluidos Magazine

Bons Fluidos Magazine

Bons Fluidos Magazine
