Embroidery / Lately & Liked / Objects

Beautiful, Bold Illustrations on Natural Fabrics by Amelie Mancini

Amelie Mancini

Amelie Manci­ni is a French print mak­er and painter who is based in Brook­lyn. Her Etsy shop is full of wares that I’m con­stant­ly search­ing for: tea tow­els, totes, and pouch­es. The hand-print­ed pieces are bold, shape-dri­ven draw­ings that fea­ture ani­mals, plants, and dec­o­ra­tive objects. Check out that vase tea tow­el that’s below — it’s my favorite.

I find the graph­ic qual­i­ty of these acces­sories real­ly appeal­ing. With their neu­tral col­ors and nat­ur­al fab­rics, they’ll be valu­able addi­tions to out­fits and decor, but also stand on their own as beau­ti­ful pieces.

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