
Impossibly Intricate Bird Embroideries Celebrate the Beauty of Their Colorful Plumage

Bird embroidery by Ell Violet

Artist Ell Vio­let brings the joy of bird watch­ing into the hoop with her intri­cate bird embroi­dery. A hand­ful of her lat­est works fea­ture state­ly por­traits of winged crea­tures from the neck up. Cen­tered in four-inch hoops, they fea­ture a thread paint­ing approach that cap­tures the mul­ti­fac­eted col­ors and iri­des­cent sheen of their plumage. “Every sin­gle stitch is inten­tion­al,” Ell says, “every detail is care­ful­ly planned out.”

My aim is to cre­ate pieces that are both mys­te­ri­ous and beau­ti­ful, giv­ing life to a world that had pre­vi­ous­ly only exist­ed in imag­i­na­tion. I like to push the bound­aries of how we typ­i­cal­ly per­ceive embroi­dery, while still hold­ing on to the intri­cate details and high lev­el of work­man­ship that makes it so special.

Ell sells her orig­i­nal, one-of-a-kind pieces in her online shop.

Bird embroidery by Ell Violet

Bird embroidery by Ell Violet

Bird embroidery by Ell Violet

Bird embroidery by Ell Violet

Bird embroidery by Ell Violet