
Colorfully Fun Enamel Pins by Big Bud Press

Big Bud Press

Illus­tra­tor Lacey Micallef has been a life­long col­lec­tor and trad­er of pins. She cre­at­ed Big Bud Press as a way to com­bine this beloved pas­time with her artis­tic career.  The 1″ (and larg­er) hard enam­el pins are made from plat­ed met­al, filled with col­ored resin, and baked at a high temperature.

Lacey’s designs are super fun, fea­tur­ing gold­en eggs, banana leafs, orange blos­soms, and more. She also col­lab­o­rat­ed with Martha Porter of Buried Dia­mond on a dog, hand, and water­mel­on pin.

Big Bud Press recent­ly launched — April 13, to be exact — and I’m super excit­ed to see how it devel­ops. Also, I am in love with Lacey’s styling! She uses minia­tures to frame the pins in these col­or­ful, sur­re­al scenes.

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