
Betsy Walton Finds a Mindful Flow Through Colorful ‘Psychic Landscapes’

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton


Last week, I had the plea­sure of pre­view­ing Bet­sy Wal­ton’s solo show, Psy­chic Land­scapes, at the ZINC Con­tem­po­rary in Seat­tle’s Pio­neer Square. (I’ve long been a fan of Bet­sy’s work—she was even in a show I curat­ed a few years ago!) View­ing her metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed pieces is always such a plea­sure. Steeped in lay­ers of mate­ri­als and sym­bol­ic mean­ing, these are the type of works that require more than a pass­ing glance to ful­ly appreciate.

Psy­chic Land­scapes chron­i­cles Bet­sy’s evolv­ing process and visu­al lan­guage through the phys­i­cal act of paint­ing. “I am inter­est­ed in paint­ing as a mind­ful­ness prac­tice,” she explains. “I approach my work with the goal of enter­ing a flow state where I am able to get lost in the lay­ers as I build the image and exper­i­ment with the forms and the con­tent in the image.” The imagery is inspired by “micro­scop­ic nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­na, moth­er­hood, the weath­er, mind­ful­ness prac­tice, and fine art print­mak­ing techniques.”

If you’re local to Seat­tle, check out Psy­chic Land­scapes at ZINC Con­tem­po­rary until July 13, 2019. Here’s a small selec­tion of what you’ll find.

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Try­ing to Tend a Tiny Sprout”

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton


Surreal painting by Betsy Walton


Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Water­ing the Garden”

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Wish­es For Us In the New Year and Forever”

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Ultra Marine”

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Snug­gle Up”

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton


Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Oppor­tu­ni­ty With­in Suffering”

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Rain­bows All Around”

Surreal painting by Betsy Walton


Surreal painting by Betsy Walton

Contemporary painting by Betsy Walton

Contemporary painting by Betsy Walton

Contemporary painting by Betsy Walton

Contemporary painting by Betsy Walton

Contemporary painting by Betsy Walton