Illustration / Inspirational Instagram

15 Inspiring Illustrators to Follow on Instagram

Illustrators to follow on Instagram

Insta­gram is my go-to social media—not only for the sto­ries and updates but as a source to find new and excit­ing illus­tra­tors. I love the insight it gives into a cre­ative’s process as well as their lat­est work. If you too are on the social net­work (isn’t every­one?), here are some of the best illus­tra­tors on Insta­gram. Each of them shares a snip­pet of their work, process, and life that encap­su­lates the essence of their visu­al language.

Check out 15 of the best illustrators to follow on Instagram!

Bod­il Jane

Bodil Jane, one of the best illustrators to follow on Instagram

Bodil Jane, one of the best illustrators to follow on Instagram

Fol­low Bod­il Jane here.


Jor­dan Sondler

Illustration by Jordan Sondler

Illustration by Jordan Sondler

Fol­low Jor­dan Sondler here.


Mia Char­ro

Illustration by Mia Charro

Illustration by Mia Charro

Fol­low Mia Char­ro on Insta­gram here.


Dinara Mir­tal­ipo­va

Dinara Mirtalipova

Dinara Mirtalipova

Fol­low Dinara Mir­tal­ipo­va here.


Sonia Lazo

Sonia Lazo

Sonia Lazo

Fol­low Sonia Lazo here.


Alis­sa Levy

Illustration by Alissa Levy

Illustration by Alissa Levy

Fol­low Alis­sa Levy on Insta­gram here. 


Sara Wenokur

Sarah Wenokur on Instagram

Sarah Wenokur on Instagram

Fol­low Sara Wenokur on Insta­gram here.


Hud­son Christie

Hudson Christie

Hudson Christie

Fol­low Hud­son Christie on Insta­gram here.


Cami­la Ortega

Camila Ortega on Instagram

Camila Ortega on Instagram

Fol­low Cami­la Orte­ga on Insta­gram here.


Jess Phoenix

Jess Phoenix

Jess Phoenix

Fol­low Jess Phoenix on Insta­gram here.


Sarah Walsh

Sarah Walsh on Instagram

Sarah Walsh on Instagram

Fol­low Sarah Walsh on Insta­gram here.


María Luque

María Lunque

María Lunque

Fol­low María Lunque on Insta­gram here.


Mai Ly Degnan

Mai Ly Degnan

Mai Ly Degnan

Fol­low Mai Ly Deg­nan on Insta­gram here.


Jane New­land

Jane Newland

Fol­low Jane New­land on Insta­gram here.


Adeli­na Lirius

Illustration by Adelina Lirius

Illustration by Adelina Lirius

Fol­low Adeli­na Lir­ius on Insta­gram here.