
Intimate Still Life Illustrations Are More Telling than Portraits

babeth lafon

Babeth Lafon is a Berlin-based illus­tra­tor who cre­ates inti­mate still lifes fea­tur­ing make­up, trav­el items, and acces­sories. They are styl­ish and con­tem­po­rary, and based on her sub­ject mat­ter, it’s no sur­prise that Babeth has worked with clients such as Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, and L’Oréal.

In gen­er­al, I real­ly enjoy these types of still life images because they are more telling than por­traits; objects go beyond phys­i­cal appear­ance (looks can deceive) and com­ment on some­one’s lifestyle. So, they are con­cep­tu­al­ly more inter­est­ing, and these illus­tra­tions are beau­ti­ful. I love her col­or combinations.

(Via Brown Paper Bag sub­mis­sions)

babeth lafon



