Perhaps setting the table isn't your thing (it certainly isn't mine), but I'd make an exception for these embroidered table cloths by Sarah Espeute.
Perhaps setting the table isn't your thing (it certainly isn't mine), but I'd make an exception for these embroidered table cloths by Sarah Espeute.
Happy Friday! All of the links to shop these products are in the post.
Yes, that dirt is real.
Cats make many things better, including art history.
There's no experience necessary when you try these embroidery, quilting, and clothing patterns.
This isn't your typical winter wear.
Did I MEAN to take 3 months off from blogging? No, I did not. But hello again!
I've been sketching a lot lately—not so much stitching. See what I've been up to!
Illustrator Juliana Vido has created portraits of women artists—some living, many passed—in their studios.
Everything is in its right place. Feels good.