I’m a huge fan of projects that ask you to create something every day. After all, you only learn and grow by doing something time and again. During the course of three months, illustrator Brunna Mancuso painted portraits of women…
I’m a huge fan of projects that ask you to create something every day. After all, you only learn and grow by doing something time and again. During the course of three months, illustrator Brunna Mancuso painted portraits of women…
Illustration is all around us. We often picture it on book covers and among the text in magazines, but its influence reaches much farther than that. Products, from something as small as your coffee mug to as big as furniture (or…
1. Lotus print dress by Banquet 2. Tapestry #3 by Sara Wenokur 3. Tiny Blobfish Plushie by Sao Zen Plush 4. Alma ceramic sculpture by Claire de Lune 5. Succulent enamel pin by Sarah Abbotts 6. You Got This by Matthew Hoffman…
Illustrator Sandra Rilova captures quiet moments in desolate scenes whose vastness is both visually striking and conceptually alluring. The compositions feature large swaths of land, from forests to mountains to paths carved deep below the Earth, as they engulf small people…
At the end of December 2017, I shared 15 works of cat art celebrating my beloved weekly tradition: #Caturday. One of my favorite kitties on that list was a delightful drawing by Kamwei Fong. It featured a black-and-white portrait of a cat…
Alpacas and llamas lend themselves well to felted art. The fuzziness of the interlocked wool fibers mimics the coats of these impossibly fluffy creatures (with the most adorable small faces). We’ve seen it before with the needle-felted hoop art of…
1. Small albino manatee plush by Big Stuffed 2. Plants stitched wood bag by Grav Grav 3. Cosmic bumblebee hoop art by Emillie Ferris 4. Women and Trees bottle by Miri Orenstein 5. The Plant Pin Pack vol. 1 enamel pins by…
Quilts have a very long history in America—their creation preceded the establishment of the country. More than just a way to keep warm, these coverings are a vessel for passing down history. One of my favorite examples of this is…
I look at a lot of cat illustrations, and I can say without a doubt that one of my favorite feline painters is Rae Ritchie. Her gouache illustrations feature sumptuous color and details made with brush strokes, which is perfect…
The new year revolves around beginnings; from the start of a new calendar to a resolution to change, this time encourages many of us to try and do not only differently, but better. Conquering a fear is a big one,…