
These Crochet Portraits Are Unexpectedly Realistic

Crochet Portraits by Une

I’ve nev­er been great with cro­chet, so I am extra impressed with the work of Asesu­une, aka Une. Her work fea­tures cro­cheted por­traits of peo­ple that have a stun­ning degree of real­ism. Using a vari­ety of col­ors, she con­veys her sub­jects both laugh­ing and at rest. From lips to teeth to the crin­kle around the eyes, Une shows it all using rows of col­or and the same stitches.

Although Une has been cro­chet­ing for a while, this style of por­traits look like they’re rel­a­tive­ly new to her port­fo­lio. I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing where she goes from here.

The artist Une creates crochet portraits that have a striking degree of realism—something unexpected from the craft.

Crochet Portraits by Une

Crochet Portraits by Une

Crochet Portraits by Une

Crochet Portraits by Une

Crochet Portraits by Une

Crochet Portraits by Une