
Escape to APAK’s Magical, Mystical Worlds


APAK is an illus­tra­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion between Aaron Piland and Ayu­mi Kajikawa Piland. They’re self described as a fan­tas­ti­cal mag­i­cal duo, and they’re also mar­ried! The Port­land-based cou­ple “live among the fury conifer giants in a lit­tle cot­tage,” and their whim­si­cal cre­ations are a way to explore the beau­ty and mys­ter­ies of life. This sen­ti­ment is reflect­ed in the col­or­ful com­po­si­tions and del­i­cate, small char­ac­ters that exist in great big worlds.

Love these images? Well, you’re in luck! They’re all avail­able in APAK’s Etsy shop!

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