
Get a Peek Into the Lives of Others With These Interior Embroideries

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick

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Artist Anu­rad­ha Bhau­mick stitch­es col­or­ful inte­ri­or embroi­deries that show­case peo­ple enjoy­ing their liv­ing spaces. Home, par­tic­u­lar­ly the objects that sur­round us, came into focus like nev­er before in the year 2020. Anuradha’s work speaks to the impor­tance of those things.

My idea [in my work] is to ele­vate the monot­o­ny of every­day life with the mun­dane itself,” she says in an inter­view with The Curator’s Salon. “I don’t see objects as non-liv­ing things. The objects that lay around us, make me, ME. The book­shelf, the alarm clock on my bed­side table, the globe which makes me want to pack every­thing up and leave for the great unknown, my teak­wood chair where I’ve spent hours read­ing my book, they are as much alive as I am. I am because of them. I don’t see these as just dec­o­ra­tions or ameni­ties, these are the per­son­al­i­ties that build me. The pati­na on an old leather bag or knee rips on my jeans from being a clum­sy skater are the build­ing blocks of life. These are for­ev­er my inspirations.”

Anu­rad­ha sells her work on Etsy. To see what she’s cre­at­ing next, be sure you fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick

Interior embroidery by Anuradha Bhaumick