Embroidery / Illustrated products

Charming Minimalist Illustrations Translated into Playful Fall Fashions

Anna Kovecses

Illus­tra­tor Anna Kövec­ses cre­ates bold, bright images that fea­ture min­i­mal­ist shapes. This aes­thet­ic is trans­lat­ed onto cloth­ing for a charm­ing effect—Anna prints cats, swans, mush­rooms, and more for the Fall/Winter 16/17 Laz­zari col­lec­tion. I espe­cial­ly love the jacquard jer­sey pieces because they mix her clean lines with a pix­e­lat­ed-look­ing texture.

Anna’s col­lec­tion is now avail­able through the Laz­zari web­site. I’ve got my eye on the llamas!

Anna Kovecses

Anna Kovecses

Anna Kovecses

Anna Kovecses

Anna Kovecses

Anna Kovecses

Anna Kovecses


Anna Kovecses

Anna Kovecses

Anna Kövecses