
Angie Kwon


I walked around the MICA Under­grad­u­ate Com­mence­ment Exhi­bi­tion last month and saw some good, promis­ing illus­tra­tors com­ing out of the illus­tra­tion depart­ment. One that I liked was Ang­ie Kwon. Her exhi­bi­tion includ­ed not only the pho­tos of her 3D illus­tra­tion, but the dolls she made as well.

Ang­ie has a good grasp on char­ac­ter design, and the beau­ti­ful pho­tog­ra­phy real­ly helps cap­ture the idio­syn­crasies of her  illus­tra­tions. I’d def­i­nite­ly be inter­est­ed in see­ing more of her envi­ron­ments, like the house below. There, she does a real­ly nice job of mak­ing it feel ethe­re­al and a bit mys­te­ri­ous. The fog­gi­ness is impres­sive to see!

I will def­i­nite­ly be keep­ing tabs on Ang­ie as time pass­es. The obvi­ous com­par­i­son to her work is Red Nose Stu­dio, so I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing how she real­ly makes this live­ly 3D her own.

All images via her web­site.

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