
Andrea D’Aquino Puts a Contemporary Spin on a Classic Tale

This was a fun video to make! Months ago, I received a copy of Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land  by Lewis Car­roll and illus­trat­ed by Andrea D’Aquino. It’s a con­tem­po­rary retelling of the famous sto­ry, craft­ed with beau­ti­ful col­lage imagery that’s unlike any inter­pre­ta­tion I’ve seen. To give you a sense of that,  I cre­at­ed a 30-sec­ond video in which I quick­ly flip through the entire thing. Despite the brevi­ty, this is a book you’ll want to spend some time with.

Andrea has illus­trat­ed spot images and full-spread com­po­si­tions, with some inter­est­ing use of text. One of my favorites is how “Off with their heads!” was designed—you can real­ly hear how low the Queen shouts!

I’ve also includ­ed some selec­tions from the book, which is now avail­able on Ama­zon.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Andrea D'Aquino