
Fun in the Sun: Vibrant Bikini-Clad Ceramic Figures by Amy Worrall

Amy Worrall

Lon­don-based illus­tra­tor Amy Wor­rall is inspired by “top­less girls in Flori­da and sun­burnt Brits abroad on the Cos­ta del So.” With this in mind, she cre­ates a range of func­tion­al and dec­o­ra­tive objects, focus­ing on sim­ple din­ing wear and ves­sels. Her pieces are col­or­ful, often using neon pig­ments to cre­ate fun biki­nis. To do this, she uses a tech­nique called majoli­ca—opaque white glaze is applied over earth­en­ware, then oth­er (vibrant) glazes on top of it. This helps achieve such bright colors.

Some of these pieces are avail­able for pur­chase in Amy’s Tic­tail shop.

Amy Worrall

Amy Worrall



